Made-Up Bits

a personal blog, by Sven Seebeck -

At the Särestöniemi Museum

On the way to Levi we had a quick stop at the Reidar Särestöniemi resort, which is now a museum. He is considered one of Finland’s most famous painters.

Homescreen for March 2018

I know it’s been a while and I needed to search a bit until I found the last home-screen post . Even though it looks similar, a lot of things have happened in between. At some point during the last year, the erratic touch-behavior of my phone has annoyed me one time too much and I went back to the iPhone 6plus which I had still lying around. During the few weeks that I was using it, it learned again that I so much more prefer to use Android.

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Currently Reading

I have been listening to audiobooks plenty before but since I started to use Storytel I have been a bit on binge. After having finished Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s Astrophysics for People in a Hurry I continued re-reading Douglas Adams’s Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy read by Stephen Fry. I enjoyed how his reading brought the book to life, which also reminded me how much I liked his podcast when it was still around.

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What's next on my Reading List

Many things work better for me when I have a goal, a deadline or something like this and finding motivation for reading is not that different. Now that I finished my last book it is time to think what I want to read next. Dan Brown: Origin The latest book in the series with Robert Langdon. I am already half-way through this one, and like it so far.John Scalzi: Your Hatemail will the RatedJohn Scalzi: Don’t Live for your orbituary John Scalzi: The Last Colony (Old Man’s War #3) Yes, there is a lot of Scalzi in this list, but hey, he’s great and the first two books are like a collection of blog posts from this site (which is actually a great read in itself).

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My Todoist Report for 2017

Just as last year, Todoist has released the stats of the users usage. And you know how much I like stats. During 2017 I have mostly stuck to using Todoist hence I guess these numbers are fairly accurate and reflect my usage rather well. Mostly? There was this brief time, of a month and a half or such, in which I re-activated my old iPhone and thought it would be particular smart to try Things.

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everybody!

At the official 100yrs gig

Had fun the other day performing with the OASBB at the official 100year celebration of the Finnish independence.

A Pumpkin instead

I planned to publish a short-story but all you get is a picture of a pumpkin. Happy Halloween!

What's next in my Reading List

The other day I finally (I’m sorry to put it this way) finished “The Night Ocean” and am now thinking what to read next and this is what I came up with. Even though the I have managed to read more or less regularly during this year I did not read as much as I hoped to. I finished the Expanse series (okay the novellas are still waiting for me) but aside the aforementioned “The Night Ocean” by Paul La Farge not much else.

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Aikuinen Nainen

Aikuinen nainen. Great concert today with OASBB!


After the Big Band concert I had the chance to meet one of my all-time heroes Jerry Bergonzi

Home-Screen for July 2017

It’s almost as it was a few months ago, but in between there were a lot of changes On the first sight there have not been many changes on the home-screen this month, or better, since the last time I have published one but many changes have happened under the hood. First of all, I am back to Action Launcher. Action Launcher had been my favourite launcher for quite some time, but prior it’s recent update I had some issues with it displaying not all the available app shortcuts, but Nova Launcher did.

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Superhero Cake

For the 2nd birthday of our daughter, Tiina made her a cake of her two favourite superheros.


Ouch! Of course the mouthpiece had to break in the morning, just before a concert.

Hauska Vappu


Another milestone here on the blog. I almost didn’t notice, but my last post also turned out to be the 1000th post here on the blog. Quite the milestone. The blog had so far quite the odyssey since in inception in 2008. First photoblog, then photography blog, then merged with my personal blog (, had been hosted of variety of services, Pixyblog, Wordpress ( now and the majority of the time and self-hosted), Scriptogram, Ghost and probably somewhere else in between.

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It was long coming but I made the switch back to a Windows machine the other day, and it’s great My old MacBook Pro had reached end-of-life already a while ago and it was time for a replacement and ultimately time for a change. My computer usage and preferences have changed, and I have grown bored (and to some extent frustrated) with Macs for various reasons, so it was time to look elsewhere.

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The next books on my Reading List

I’m taking a short break from the Expanse series. I just finished reading the 3rd book in the Expanse series, Abaddon’s Gate, and already look forward to the next book, Cibola Burn, which is already waiting for me on my Kindle. Since I now read the first three installments in a row, I thought it would be nice to read something else in between and already have something in the line.

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Home-Screen for January 2017

New year, new home-screen. Sort of. My monthly home-screen is already two months late, which is mostly to the reason that it hasn’t changed all much. I take this as good news since I have a setup that actually works well for me. My launcher of choice is still Action Launcher, which alongside many other new things, recently introduced Pixel style features: such as some visuals as well as QuickCuts.

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5th Anniversary

My wonderful wife got me a great gift for our wedding anniversary. I believe under normal circumstance the 5th anniversary is referred to as the wooden one, but I believe it must be the Millennium Falcon one. What an awesome gift from my lovely wife.

The Books I finished in 2016

Two years back I realized that I by far don’t read enough and started to do something about it. And even though I made some progress in 2015 I challenged myself to at least read one more book than I did in 2015. Seven books would suffice, which seemed manageable. So, I did what every reasonable person would do and had set a goal in my Google Calendar app to read every day.

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I was eyeballing this domain since it was announced and got almost the one that I wanted. Wordpress had announced the new .blog top-level domain already months and I was interested in one from the beginning. I refrained though during the pre-register period to reserve my desired domain. The pre-register pricing was simply too high. Anyway, since yesterday the domains are available to purchase, and, even though my desired domain was naturally taken already, I got the next best thing: svens.

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106 Days

My time back on iOS didn’t lasted very long. 106 days to be precise. In the beginning of the year I switched to Android and was very happy and satisfied with the whole experience. I like Android as an OS, I like the integration with all the Google services, the awesomeness of Google Now and the fact that I can customize it to my liking. To make it work just right for me.

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Lego Carbon Freezing Chamber

A great birthday gift which is fun to look at and was fun to built.

Software Boxes

I found some old software buried deep in some boxes: The time, one actually went out and bought software and operating systems in a box, seems ages ago.

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